Guidelines for Submission of Abstracts
1. You are invited to submit abstracts to the 20th CGCM Meeting. 1. You are invited to submit abstracts to the 20th CGCM Meeting. 

2. Abstract submission deadline: 15 July 2024 (Monday) 

3. The submission platform will be confirmed and announced soon.
4. All abstracts must be submitted in ENGLISH (including the title, authors' names and affiliations, abstract text,  figures and graphs). 
5. The selected abstracts will be invited for poster presentation and published in the meeting abstract book.
6. Word limit: 300 words including acknowledgement with no more than 2 tables / graphs / figures.
7. Submission of abstracts does NOT constitute registration for the Meeting. All presenters are required to make registration for the Meeting separately.
8. * Required fields

Abstracts will be divided into the designated categories for program purpose. 
Please choose one category only.
1. Acupuncture, Massage, Exercise, Mind & Body 
2. Bioinformatics: "Omics" Approach and Data Analysis; “AI” approach in TCM 

3. Clinical Investigation (please select one of the following)

  a. Cancer, Viral diseases, Inflammatory disease

  b. Cardiovascular, Neuronal, Kidney disease and Metabolic disease, Other diseases and Safety

4. Chinese Medicine Resources (please select one of the following)
  a. Authentication
  b. Cultivation and Herbal Quality
  c. Identification, Formulation and Manufacturing 
  d. Endangered Species 
  e. Regional development of each local herbs
5. Regulation and Interregional Collaborations in Academia, Government and Industry
6. Natural Products (please select one of the following)
  a. Cancer, Virus and Immunoregulation 
  b. Identification, Bio-transformation, Metabolism & Other Biological Activities
  c. Biosynthesis, Modification, Chemical Library and Novel New Usage
7. Polychemical Activities and Mechanism Study (please select one of the following)
  a. Cancer, Immunomodulation and Inflammation
  b. Metabolic, Renal and Cardiovascular Diseases, Neural Diseases, Aging Process and Others
  c. Microbiota, Exosome, System Biology, Toxicity and Safety Evaluation of Herbal Medicines
8. TCM Diagnosis, Preventive Medicine & Healthcare


Should you have any enquiries, please contact us at:
Secretariat of the CGCM2024(Hengqin)
Email: registration@cgcm2024.com