For first time user, please register below.
For Registration & Abstract Submission, please log in.
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现场报到On-site Registration
现场报到时间: |
8月19日12:00-2000 |
8月20日08:00-08:40 |
On-site registration will be open on 12:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., 19 Aug., 2024 (1F, Hilton Garden Inn, Zhuhai, Hengqin) and 08:00 a.m.-08:40 a.m., 20 Aug.,2024 (4F, Tower 7,Heng Qin International Innotech Center) with the ID card and student card.
快速通道 On-site Express Pass
Express Pass is available for online registration and Registration Confirmation Letter is required.
报到流程Registration Process
Online Registration Process: Registration Confirmation Letter → Collect the meeting materials (Completed)
Registration Process for Poster Presenter: Poster Confirmation Letter →Confirm the
information →Pay the fee →Collect the meeting materials→Completed (Please search for the Poster Number in the Abstract Book )
On-site Registration Process: Confirm the information at the registration counter→ Pay the fee→Collect the conference materials (Completed)
参会者标识Delegates Identification
Name badge is the only identification of all delegates. According to the regulation of the Venue, you are kindly requested to wear your badge during all the sessions of the meeting.
参会证明 Certificate of Attendance
Please collect it in the meeting materials bag.
会议用餐 Catering
8月20日 午餐、晚餐 |
20 Aug.,2024 Lunch & Dinner |
8月21日 午餐 |
21 Aug.,2024 Lunch |
8月22日 午餐 |
22 Aug.,2024 Lunch |
※凭餐券 ※Collect with coupons
※The lunch arrangement is at the Hilton Garden Inn Zhuhai Hengqin, which is located within a 5-minute walk from the venue.
晚宴 Banquet
8月20日 6:00p.m.,20 Aug.,2024
※凭胸牌入场 ※Entry by Name badge
※晚宴安排在距离会场20分钟车程的横琴凯悦酒店,大会安排接 驳车由会场出发到横琴凯悦酒店,晚宴结束后接驳车会由凯悦酒店出发,然后到达大会推荐的四家酒店。
※The dinner will be held at Hyatt Regency Hengqin, which is about 20 minutes away from the conference venue by car. Shuttle buses will be arranged by the conference to transport attendees from the venue to the hotel, and after the dinner, shuttle buses will pick up guests from the hotel and drop them off at four recommended hotels by the conference.
Please consult with the registration area about Banquet for the delegate accompany person.
会议资料Meeting Materials
Type 类型 |
Book Abstract 论文集 |
Program Book 会议手册 |
Coupon 餐券 |
Name badge 胸牌 |
Certificate of Attendance 参会证明 |
Invited Guest Chairpersons Co-chairpersons Panelist |
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Paid Participants |
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3 Free Participant Quotas |
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※If you need meeting notification, please download from your personal account on the registration website
讲者须知:本次会议使用PPT传输系统,讲者需准备MS PowerPoint格式的课件并拷贝至u盘,请在发言开始前2小时拷贝至会场工作电脑中,为保证会议顺利进行,请不要使用自己的电脑 All speakers are requested to submit their presentations on a USB memory card to the meeting computer at least 2 hours before the start of their speech session. Use of the own laptop are not permitted for presentations. |
大会服务中心Secretariat Office
Location 1: Hilton Garden Inn, Zhuhai, Hengqin
开放时间 8月19日 12:00-20:00 |
Opening Hours 12:00a.m.-08:00p.m.,19 Aug.,2024 |
地点 2:珠海横琴国际科技创新中心7栋 4楼
Location 2: 4F, Tower 7,Heng Qin International Innotech Center
开放时间 8月20-22日 08:00-18:00 |
Opening Hours 08:00a.m.- 6:00p.m.,20-22Aug.,2024 |
壁报 Poster Information
The presenting authors of poster are required to register and pay the meeting registration fee.
●壁报交流获得者自行制作壁报,尺寸为:80 cm x120 cm(宽x高),并自行张贴与移除壁报
Participants are responsible for mounting their posters and removing them. The organizers will provide the equipment needed. The size of the posters should be 80 cm x 120 cm, respectively (width x height).
Authors are kindly asked to make sure to mount their posters on the poster board with the number corresponding to the number assigned to their poster presentation.Posters will be on display on Tuesday, 20 Aug.,2024, until Thursday,22 Aug.,2024.
Posters should be mounted on Tuesday, 22Aug.,2024, before 9:00a.m., and removed by 3:00 p.m. on 22Aug.,2024; posters remaining after this time will be recycled.
●壁报交流获得者必须保证携带参会的壁报内容与大会组委会存档壁报内容完全一致。如内容不一致,大会组委会有权不予张贴或撤下壁报,由此造成的一切后果由壁报交流获得者自行承担 The presenting authors of posters must ensure that the content of the posters brought to the conference is completely consistent with the content of the poster archived by the organizing committee of the meeting. If the content is inconsistent, the organizing committee of the meeting has the rights not to post or remove the posters, and all consequences arising from this shall be borne by the presenting authors of posters.