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Instructions for uploading posters (PDF)
Dear participants,
非常荣幸您选择参加第20届中药全球化联盟会议暨创新天然药物研究国际论坛。为了向大家展示最新的研究成果,我们在会议期间将举办壁报展示活动。 如果您想要参加壁报展示,请参考以下步骤上传您的壁报:
We are delighted that you have chosen to attend The 20th CGCM and Innovative Research in Natural Medicines. In order to present the latest research results to you, we will organize a poster session during the conference. If you wish to present your research through a poster, please follow the instructions below to upload it.
1. 请确保上传的文件格式为PDF,不超过5MB。
Please ensure that the file format of your poster is PDF and does not exceed 5 MB.
2. 下载附件中的壁报模板,并在其中插入您的研究成果,包括摘要、简介、方法、结果以及结论等内容。
Download the poster template attached to this email, and insert your research findings into the poster, including an abstract, introduction, methods, results, and conclusion.
3. 访问我们的官方网站并登录您的账户,在会议壁报页面找到相应链接,点击上传按钮并将您的壁报上传到网站上。
Visit our official website and log in to your account. Locate the corresponding link under the meeting's poster session page, click the "upload" button, and upload your poster to the website.

4. 请您携带{壁报交流通知书}和您的壁报到达会场。
请注意, 投稿截止时间为日期:[2024年8月10日],逾期投稿将不予接收。如果您有任何疑问或需要帮助,请随时联系我们的工作人员。谢谢!
Please note that the submission deadline is [10 August,2024], and submissions received after this date will not be accepted. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to our staff members. Thank you!
Poster Confirmation Letter: After the deadline for poster submission, we will send it out via email.
· 壁报交流获得者需要缴费注册本次会议
The presenting authors of poster are required to register and pay the meeting registration fee.· 壁报交流获得者自行制作壁报,尺寸为:80 cm x120 cm(宽x高),并自行张贴与移除壁报
Participants are responsible for mounting their posters and removing them. The organizers will provide the equipment needed. The size of the posters should be 80 cm x 120 cm, respectively (width x height).
· 请按照分配的壁报编号张贴至此编号的相应预留位置,壁报展示时间为:8月20日-8月22日
Authors are kindly asked to make sure to mount their posters on the poster board with the number corresponding to the number assigned to their poster presentation.Posters will be on display on Tuesday, 20 Aug.,2024, until Thursday,22 Aug.,2024.
Posters should be mounted on Tuesday, 22Aug.,2024, before 9:00a.m., and removed by 3:00 p.m. on 22Aug.,2024; posters remaining after this time will be recycled.
· 壁报交流获得者必须保证携带参会的壁报内容与大会组委会存档壁报内容完全一致。如内容不一致,大会组委会有权不予张贴或撤下壁报,由此造成的一切后果由壁报交流获得者自行承担
The presenting authors of posters must ensure that the content of the posters brought to the conference is completely consistent with the content of the poster archived by the organizing committee of the meeting. If the content is inconsistent, the organizing committee of the meeting has the rights not to post or remove the posters, and all consequences arising from this shall be borne by the presenting authors of posters.